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We are excited to have teams participating in the Jr. FIRIST®  LEGO League program!
Ages K-3rd grade.

Donations to
Paradise Teams
are tax deductable!
Paradise Teams is happy to host some Jr. FLL Teams.  If you would like information about our teams, please contact us.  Our high school team, That ONE Team - Our Next Engineers, mentors the Jr.FLL students


About Jr.FLL

Focused on building an interest in science and engineering in children ages 6-9, Junior FIRST® LEGO® League (Jr.FLL®) is a hands-on program designed to capture young children's curiosity and direct it toward discovering how science and technology impact the world around them. This program features a real-world challenge, to be explored through research, critical thinking and imagination. Guided by adult coaches and the Jr.FLL Core Values, team members work with LEGO elements and motorized parts to build ideas and concepts and present them for review.

Each yearly Challenge is based on a different theme and has two main parts, the LEGO Model and the Show Me Poster.